On August 25th, 2021, our lives changed forever. The last few days of preseason were upon us, and we were experiencing what seemed to be the hottest preseason this class had seen. Everyone gathered in Demonstration Hall for a general group meeting, ending with an unexpected twist. Dr. Thornton turned the projector on to show us a video, and after 49 seconds, it concluded with the words ‘Austria 2022.’ Though silent at first, the room quickly grew to a roar of applause, as SMB members realized they were about to perform across the globe.
One fleeting year passed and we boarded our first flight, some to Amsterdam, some to Atlanta, eventually gathering in Munich, Germany and bussing to Salzburg, Austria. Many hours of prep work from the directors and band leaders had finally paid off. The trip was finally here! While in Austria, we marched the series through Salzburg, played several standstill performances, played at the Mid-Europe Festival in Schladming, and ended the trip as the first large marching band to pave the way in downtown Vienna. Other than our musical performances, the members were able to go on a number of excursions, including visiting Mozart’s birthplace, hiking up the Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves, and exploring other unique aspects of Austria.

Our very own Gigi Daughinee, a fourth year member in the mello section and member of the uniform team, summed up our experience abroad quite well. Gigi states, “I am beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to perform on an international stage with the ensemble I love so dearly, and with all of the wonderful friends I have made because of it. Enjoying Austria’s natural beauty (even from the top of several mountains!) and learning so much about the culture, all while enjoying music from global musicians at the Mid-Europe festival was truly a once in a lifetime experience.”

Another quote worth mentioning is from trombone co-section and squad leader, Ryan Klann. Ryan has been a vital asset to the section in Austria by preparing one of the section pieces performed on the Long Night of Music, and aiding Connor Bergman in other section affairs. Ryan states, “my favorite part of our trip was feeling the relationships grow through our experiences! Our adventures together in Austria delivered laughs, tears and joy every day, and I’ll always hold this trip close to my heart!”
In unpacking from the trip, the Spartan Marching Band members are grateful for the opportunity to share over 150 years of tradition to a wonderful and generous community in Austria. Once an idea from a 49 second video, came to fruition to change our lives for the better.
A million times, Prost!
The Spartan Marching Band will take the field in Spartan Stadium for the first time this season on Friday, September 2nd during the Spartans’ home football game against Western Michigan.